Guidelines for soil description (4th Ed.)

Guidelines for soil description (4th Ed.), la fiche détaillée du livre

Soils are affected by human activities, such as industrial, municipal and agriculture, that often result in soil degradation and loss. In order to prevent soil degradation and to rehabilitate the potentials of degraded soils, reliable soil data are the most important prerequisites for the design of appropriate...

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Guidelines for soil description (4th Ed.)


Un livre référencé par la Librairie Environnement

Guidelines for soil description (4th Ed.)

Date : 25/07/2006

Langue : Anglais

Pages : 98

Prix (€) : 41,83

ISBN : 9251055210

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Soils are affected by human activities, such as industrial, municipal and agriculture, that often result in soil degradation and loss. In order to prevent soil degradation and to rehabilitate the potentials of degraded soils, reliable soil data are the most important prerequisites for the design of appropriate land-use systems and soil management practices as well as for a better understanding of the environment. The availability of reliable information on soil morphology and other characteristics obtained through examination and description of the soil in the field is essential, and the use of a common language is of prime importance. These guidelines, based on the latest internationally accepted systems and classifications, provide a complete procedure for soil description and for collecting field data. To help beginners, some explanatory notes are included as well as keys based on simple test and observations.

Mots clé : Guidelines,soil,description

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