Environmental management tol kit for obsolete pesticides, Vol. 2 : D. Selection of collection centres, E. Management of collecti

Environmental management tol kit for obsolete pesticides, Vol. 2 : D. Selection of collection centres, E. Management of collecti, la fiche détaillée du livre

Stocks of obsolete, unwanted and banned pesticides continue to represent a serious public health and environmental threat, particularly in developing countries. This tool kit, in three volumes, has been developed for country project managers, officers of government ministries of agriculture, environment...

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Environmental management tol kit for obsolete pesticides, Vol. 2 : D. Selection of collection centres, E. Management of collecti


Un livre référencé par la Librairie Environnement

Environmental management tol kit for obsolete pesticides, Vol. 2 : D. Selection of collection centres, E. Management of collecti

Date : 01/04/2009

Langue : Anglais

Format : 21 x 29,5

Pages : 52

Prix (€) : 25,1

ISBN : 9251061330

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Stocks of obsolete, unwanted and banned pesticides continue to represent a serious public health and environmental threat, particularly in developing countries. This tool kit, in three volumes, has been developed for country project managers, officers of government ministries of agriculture, environment and health, and regional and district officers and storekeepers, to support them in planning all the steps of a safe disposal programme. Vol. 2 covers: D, Selection of collection centres, E, Management of collection centres, F, Transport planning.

Mots clé : Environmental,management,obsolete,pesticides

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