Principles of environmental economics

Principles of environmental economics, la fiche détaillée du livre

The second edition builds on the strengths .of the first. It is well written, well organized, and provides a broad survey of environmental economics from a range of perspectives.' Jo Crotty, Aston Business School, UK. 'This is a well researched and comprehensive text that offers an alternative and refreshing...

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Principles of environmental economics


A. Hussen

Un livre référencé par la Librairie Environnement

Principles of environmental economics

Date : 04/03/2004

Langue : Anglais

Format : 17,5 x 24,5

Pages : 344

Prix (€) : 47,9

ISBN : 0-415-27560-1

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The second edition builds on the strengths .of the first. It is well written, well organized, and provides a broad survey of environmental economics from a range of perspectives.' Jo Crotty, Aston Business School, UK. 'This is a well researched and comprehensive text that offers an alternative and refreshing perspective on environmental economics.' J. Bussel, University of Teesside, UK. 'This is a logically organized, well written text. Its distinguishing element is its explicit consideration of ecology, ecological economics, and sustainable development.' Douglas E. Booth. Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA. Can economic growth be environmentally sustainable? This crucial question goes right to the heart of environmental economics and is a matter of increasing concern globally. The first edition of this popular textbook was the first introductory textbook in environmental economics that truly attempted to integrate economics with not only the environment but also ecology. This new version builds and improves upon the popular formula with new material, new examples, new pedagogical features and new questions for discussion. With international case studies and examples, this book will prove an excellent choice for introducing both students and other academics to the world of environmental economics. Ahmed H. Hussen is Professor of Economics, Kalamazoo College, Michigan, USA.

Mots clé : principles,environmental,economics

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