Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology

Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology, la fiche détaillée du livre

Learn how to respond to the complex problems encountered in environmental management. Highlighting all aspects of the spectrum of environmental control, this text provides a historical perspective on pollution problems and solutions, and offers an introduction to the specialized literature in this and...

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Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology


G. Burke, B. Singh and L. Theodore

Un livre référencé par la Librairie Environnement

Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology

Date : 25/04/2005

Langue : Anglais

Format : 16 x 24

Pages : 806

Prix (€) : 88,9

ISBN : 0-471-72237-5

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Learn how to respond to the complex problems encountered in environmental management. Highlighting all aspects of the spectrum of environmental control, this text provides a historical perspective on pollution problems and solutions, and offers an introduction to the specialized literature in this and related areas.

Mots clé : environmental,management,technology

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