Environmental Science

Environmental Science, la fiche détaillée du livre

Environmental science, 11th Edition, boasts an unparalleled coverage of sustainability, basic science, and bias-free comparisons, within a flexible chapter organization and supported by the strongest media tools and illustration program available. New media to this edition includes: ‘‘How Would You Vote?’‘....

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Environmental Science


G. Miller

Un livre référencé par la Librairie Environnement

Environmental Science

Collection : Brooks/Cole

Date : 01/10/2005

Langue : Anglais

Format : 21,5 x 27,5

Pages : 502

Prix (€) : 47,9

ISBN : 0-495-03197-6

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Environmental science, 11th Edition, boasts an unparalleled coverage of sustainability, basic science, and bias-free comparisons, within a flexible chapter organization and supported by the strongest media tools and illustration program available. New media to this edition includes: ‘‘How Would You Vote?’‘. This is an application of 68 provocative environmental issues covered in the text. Students investigate the issues in a structured manner, and then cast their votes on the Web where the results are tallied, Environmental ScienceNow, a learning tool that helps students assess their study needs through pretests, post-test, personalized learning plans and ‘‘How Do I Prepare,’‘ which aides students in basic math, chemistry and graphing review, and InfoTrac College Edition, a library of full text articles, PowerLecture for Miller's Environmental Science, 11th Edition. This one-stop PowerPoint Tool contains robust, preloaded PowerPoint lecture images organized by every chapter. PowerLecture contains: animations that bring key topics and concepts to life, a slide-sorting view for each chapter that lets you select, copy and paste slides into your PowerPoint lecture, the ability to select a piece of a figure and enlarge it, labels in text boxes that you can edit, remove, or present one label at a time, quick access to animations and videos--if a PowerPoint slide contains a green button, just click on it to show a related animation, Instructor's Manual and associated chapter outlines, and Test Bank--a complete electronic file of test items.

Mots clé : environmental,science,media

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